Invisalign clear aligners

Kings Langley Dental is an accredited Invisalign practice located near Blacktown and Hills District. This means our dentist have been trained in the application of Invisalign aligners.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic aligners to help move your teeth into the desired position. These plastic aligners fit over your upper and lower teeth, a bit like a sports mouth guard but they’re a lot thinner and therefore a lot less noticeable.

Throughout the duration of your treatment, you will be issued with a new set of aligners for you to change about once every two weeks. These aligners have been custom made, not only to fit the unique shape of your teeth, but to ensure your teeth move into their new position over time.

Reasons to choose Invisalign

Invisalign aligners are made from clear plastic making them virtually invisible

The aligners can be taken out while you eat, brush and floss making them a hygienic treatment option

Invisalign aligners are custom made to your teeth which ensures you receive treatment designed for your teeth, and your teeth alone.


Not sure what you need? Come in for a no-obligation consultation.

