Let your children know about the importance of visiting the dentist, emphasize the significance of cleaning their teeth. At Kings Langley Dental we will make a point of educating your children on the benefits of good oral health and why it is important to brush every day. That’s why having support from you is always a good way to get the message across with the little guys. Rewarding your child for going to the dentist is not great way to help them with their fear or apprehension towards the dental office. Promising they can get a reward at the end of their visit only makes them question why they would need to be rewarded. Saying, "If you don't fuss or cry, you'll get a lollipop," might make your little one think, "What's so bad about the dentist that I might want to cry?" Promising a sugary treat also sends the wrong message after a dentist emphasizes having clean, healthy teeth by avoiding sweets that can cause cavities. Instead, after the visit is over, praise your child for her good behaviour and bravery. At Kings Langley Dental we can make your child’s first trip fun and exciting, we don’t expect that every child’s experience will be a no fuss trip, but by introducing them to the dentist early, staying positive and by educating your children, we can work together to create a comfortable atmosphere that your kids can look forward to visiting.